PresseKat - Minister of Agriculture at WELTEC BIOPOWER

Minister of Agriculture at WELTEC BIOPOWER

ID: 304582

At the BioEnergy Decentral in Hanover, Germany, the biogas plants of WELTEC BIOPOWER GMBH attracted a lot of international attention. Together with more than 1,900 exhibitors, the company from Vechta presented itself within the framework of EuroTier, the world's top event for animal production, to more than 140,000 visitors, including 24,000 from abroad.

(firmenpresse) - Visitors from Eastern Europe, Spain, and England were especially interested in plants for the conversion of waste and food leftovers to energy. The exhibition contacts document that organic waste is increasingly regarded as a resource-friendly energy source with a high potential. In this segment, WELTEC BIOPOWER has in recent years established international reference plants whose quality is also based on the company's remarkable production depth.

Due to its entirely new exhibition booth layout design, WELTEC was singled out by the German Agricultural Association (DLG) for the tour of Astrid Grotelüschen, Minister of Agriculture of Lower Saxony. The Minister also took some time to get first-hand information on the subject of waste fermentation from WELTEC BIOPOWER. Among other things, she was informed about the newly commissioned waste recycling plant in Rushden, England. She was also invited to Rushden in order to see the efficient plant in action. On an animated world map, she could see that more and more orders are being received from abroad, providing evidence of the global leadership position that the company from Lower Saxony now occupies in the field of decentralised energy production.

Most guests also showed a keen interest in the new control system for biogas plants, which could be tested directly at the exhibition booth. "In personal conversations, the users confirmed that in the future, they want to be able to observe and control all processes at a glance", says Jens Albartus, Director, summarising the needs of the users.

The demand, especially of farmers, for mobile control via smartphones demonstrates that technical progress is in vogue whenever the devices simplify and facilitate the handling. The new control system for biogas parks is appealing because it simplifies the application. Representatives from the industry have praised the control system as a suitable, simplifying instrument because it enables the networking, monitoring, and operation of various subsystems, such as the gas treatment.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Established in 2001, WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH is a leading provider of biogas plants. Based on the modern approach of experienced engineers, the company from Vechta, Lower Saxony, with its staff of close to 70, offers complete biogas plants from one source.
One of the main strengths of the medium-sized enterprise is the ability to deliver individual and flexible solutions – from compact plants to large computer-controlled plants in the megawatt range, waste recycling plants, and biogas parks with gas processing technology.
The Könnern industrial zone between Magdeburg and Halle, Germany, is home to one of the world‘s largest biogas parks, built by WELTEC BIOPOWER. In its capacity as general contractor, WELTEC was responsible for the overall project planning, turnkey setup including the infra- structure, approval planning, production, and installation, as well as the operational launch and comprehensive biological supervision of the park. The concept comprises the processing (amine treatment) and feed-in of biomethane into the natural gas grid. Another WELTEC biogas park in Barsikow, Brandenburg, has been generating up to 4.3 million standard cubic meter a year since the beginning of 2010, and in Arneburg, Saxony-Anhalt, one of Europe‘s largest biogas parks will supply the equivalent of 7,000 homes with power and heat.
The plants have a modular structure. WELTEC BIOPOWER uses only proven system components and develops most of the technologies along the entire value chain internally: fermenter technology, mixing technology, control technology, hygienisation systems, and digestate processing solutions originate from the company.
As the hydrogen sulphide and ammonia compounds contained in biogas corrode unprotected parts, WELTEC builds the fermenters from stainless steel. This ensures a long useful life of the plant. The great manufacturing depth also guarantees a consistently high standard regardless of the location and ensures an export rate that is far above the industry average.
Meanwhile, the company‘s quality is renowned worldwide. In 2009, a Chinese investor engaged WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH for the setup of a biogas plant. The plant with an output of 370 kWel is China‘s first biogas plant that meets German quality standards.
In 2008, WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH became one of the first providers of complete biogas plants to be certified by TÜV Rheinland according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2004 and the quality management standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2001.


Thomas Wilkens

Zum Langenberg 2
D – 49377 Vechta
Tel. (+49) 4441 - 999 78-220
Fax (+49) 4441 - 999 78-297

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

PR Schulz
Oliver Schulz
Plektrudisstraße 18
50354 Hürth
Fon: 02233-9399270
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E-mail: info(at)

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PRSchulz
Datum: 26.11.2010 - 17:01 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 304582
Anzahl Zeichen: 2458

Ansprechpartner: Thomas Wilkens


Telefon: (+49) 4441 - 999 78-220



Meldungsart: Messeinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung

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