PresseKat - ETLog Health GmbH has developed an AIDS-Prevention Game

ETLog Health GmbH has developed an AIDS-Prevention Game

ID: 19308

(firmenpresse) - In mid-may the company ETLog Health EnviroTech & Logistics GmbH are going to launch a question and answer game for children above the age of 12 on the market. The game is entitled Think Negative! and is intended to cover any open questions that the children may have regarding the question of HIV/AIDS.

World-wide, a person is infected with HIV every six seconds, through shared needles, the transmission from mothers to children, unprotected sex or due to insufficient knowledge of the danger of infection. At the beginning of 2006, UNICEF made clear that it is not only in developing countries that only one in three youths that have sufficient knowledge of how to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS. It is also increasingly difficult in Germany to make young people aware of this subject.

In order to counteract the increasing indifference of young people towards HIV/AIDS, the Berlin-based company has developed an AIDS prevention game. The game is conceived as a board game with three categories of question (AIDS/HIV, Sexuality and contraception, Fate). Further themes such as ""the first time" "falling in love” or "responsibility for contraception” are also components of Think Negative! The game is aimed at children of 12 and above and should be played in the presence of adults, who, it is intended, should then answer the questions and concerns arising from the game. The game is intended for use in school lessons, by AIDS support groups, within the scope of AIDS information campaigns, and parents wishing to broach this subject with their children in a relaxed way.

The game can be acquired after May 2006 through ETLog Health GmbH. Information regarding the game can also be obtained via e-mail. A proportion of the profits will be donated to AIDS Organizations. Through the use of Think Negative! schools, parents and organizations can make an important contribution to the prevention of AIDS and can help encourage solidarity with people with HIV and AIDS.

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:
drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  ETLog Health GmbH entwickelt AIDS-Präventions-Spiel Die Kunst des Überlebens - Der Praxisratgeber für die marktgerechte Unternehmensführung
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Schuster
Datum: 24.03.2006 - 12:30 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 19308
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: A. Schuster



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Versandart: eMail-Versand

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