PresseKat - The Family Guy Life: How Not To Pete Griffin Your Kids (A Man's Guide To Pregnancy) By Ed Russe

The Family Guy Life: How Not To Pete Griffin Your Kids (A Man's Guide To Pregnancy) By Ed Russell And Roger Young

ID: 1089247

Written in an honest, open and humorous style, The Family Guy Life: How Not to Pete Griffin Your Kids is a 21st-century male guide to pregnancy and childbirth.

(firmenpresse) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Ebook Cover:
Published by Eyes Wide Books Limited
Date of publication: July 2014, London
Price: ÂŁ8.04

A Pregnancy Guide for the 21st-Century Dad
Written in an honest, open and humorous style, The Family Guy Life: How Not to Pete Griffin Your Kids is a 21st-century male guide to pregnancy and childbirth. Factual advice is balanced with a series of witty lists drawn from the world of entertainment and sport. Some of the titles give a flavour of what you can expect: Footballers Who Now Look like Mums or Grannies, Top Ten Film Dads and the crème de la crème of chapter titles - Dad’s Dog’s Dinner! We’ll leave you to digest that particular chapter.

Co-author and new dad Ed Russell explained what the book is trying to achieve: “The idea is to encourage men to embrace their role as a parent, to make as much of it as possible and to set new standards, without being pompous and po-faced. It’s difficult but not impossible to break new ground here.”

“I hope new dads see our book as a friend, because parenting is a journey that has no set map for men. It could well be the best journey you’ll ever embark upon. Ed and I hope to be your new mates along the way,” adds Roger Young.

Ed Russell and Roger Young have a combined age of 67. Ed is a new dad and loves it. Roger has three nieces who love him – but not as much as he loves them. Both think having a laugh is integral to parenting. Ed Russell and Roger Young’s book, The Family Guy Life: How Not to Pete Griffin Your Kids (A Man's Guide to Pregnancy), is available at Amazon:

For interviews and further information contact Emmanuel Ohajah: 07949430276/07956154505.

Media Contact:
Eyes Wide Books Limited
29 Carnarvon Road
London E15 4JW


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: alexaz91
Datum: 27.07.2014 - 21:46 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1089247
Anzahl Zeichen: 2213

Ansprechpartner: Eyes Wide Books Limited


Telefon: 07949430276


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Meldungsart: Produktinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 26/07/2014

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