PresseKat - Customs and Interpol - Close Cooperation The Director General of German Customs Authority, Schröd

Customs and Interpol - Close Cooperation

The Director General of German Customs Authority, Schröder hosted by the Head of Interpol, Dr Stock (FOTO)

ID: 1545079

(ots) -
On 25 October 2017, the Director General of German Customs
Authority, Uwe Schröder, and the Secretary-General of Interpol,
Jürgen Stock, met in Lyon in order to share experiences. In
particular, the purpose of their meeting was to further intensify the
good cooperation that exists between the German Customs Authority and

Uwe Schröder put particular emphasis on one aspect: "We have to
combat organised crime and terrorism with joint operations. We are
using all of our competencies and authorisations to achieve this
purpose. The cooperation with Interpol represents a great added value
from which we will benefit on a global scale. This is also indicated
by the positive results of our conversation today. Therefore,
personal contact and sharing experiences with Jürgen Stock are very
important to me."

After the reorganisation of the German customs and, in this
context, the establishment of a General Customs Authority as higher
federal authority as of 1 January 2016, the General Customs Authority
with the Customs Criminological Office is responsible for the
dialogue with Interpol and intensifying the cooperation on an
international level.

"Close cooperation between police and customs is essential in
combating all forms of cross-border criminal activities, and to
identify the routes used in transporting illicit goods. Interpol is
committed to continuing its strong relationships with customs
organizations at the national and global levels," said Interpol
Secretary General Jürgen Stock.

Additional Information:

The International Criminal Police Organisation (also referred to
as ICPO-Interpol International Criminal Police Organisation) is an
association founded to intensify the cooperation between national
police and security authorities. It was founded in Vienna in 1923 as

International Criminal Police Commission. Nowadays, Interpol's
headquarters is located in Lyon and its presidency rests with
Secretary-General, Jürgen Stock. Until the beginning of November
2014, he was the deputy head of Germany's Federal Criminal Police
Office. During the 83rd General Assembly of Interpol in Monaco, Stock
was elected Secretary-General of the organisation. Interpol
authorises the police forces of the 192 member states to work
together. At present, the organisation's main focus is on three
tasks: combatting terrorism, cybercrime as well as organised crime.

Stefan Kirsch
Telefon: 0228 303 11611

Original-Content von: Generalzolldirektion, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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Präsident der Generalzolldirektion Schröder zu Gast bei Interpol-Chef Dr. Stock (FOTO) Muthesius exzellent
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ots
Datum: 26.10.2017 - 11:36 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1545079
Anzahl Zeichen: 2986




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The Director General of German Customs Authority, Schröder hosted by the Head of Interpol, Dr Stock (FOTO)
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