PresseKat - Covata’s file sharing platform awarded Tier Two Classification on G Cloud 8

Covata’s file sharing platform awarded Tier Two Classification on G Cloud 8

ID: 1386596

Safe Share Gov + Premium is the only file sharing application to be approved for service up to this classification

(firmenpresse) - Safe Share Gov + Premium is the only file sharing application to be approved for service up to this classification

Covata Limited (ASX: CVT), a global leader in data-centric security solutions for enterprises, today announced that its flagship file sharing application has been awarded Secret Classification on G Cloud 8. The cloud-based Safe Share Gov + Premium solution is deployed and hosted on an Official Accredited Cloud Platform delivered by Covata’s Government hosting partner using security cleared staff. Safe Share Gov + and Gov + Premium was made available to all UK Government departments and agencies from 1st August 2016.

As the cyber risk facing the UK – and particularly the public sector – continues to increase, Covata’s Safe Share Gov + Premium solution empowers government departments to share sensitive information securely. Data stores often contain references to citizens or government plans and the solution ensures it can only be viewed by those with the relevant security clearance. This is achieved through robust end-to-end encryption – which encrypts data prior to it leaving the sender’s device and being sent to the server – advanced encryption key management and granular access controls. The platform empowers UK Government departments to truly own and control their data, regardless of employee or the data’s location.

“Safe Share Gov + Premium’s ability to be deployed with Secret clearance has truly set the bar for data security; Covata is now the unparalleled market leader for secure file sharing within the UK Government,” said Trent Telford, CEO at Covata. “In the wake of the Brexit vote and regional uncertainty, the need for data security is at an all time high. Citizens are more conscious of, and apprehensive about how their data is being processed and whether it remains secure from external groups. Safe Share will alleviate some of those fears. This classification, as well as our ongoing partnerships within the Australian Government, is testament to the fact we recognise the specific challenges faced by governments and the wider public sector.”

In order to meet the demanding specifications of the Tier 2 Classification, Covata launches Safe Share Gov + Premium. Following Safe Share Gov + available on G Cloud 7. The Software-as-a-Solution (SaaS) platform will be delivered over a secure government network, and can be used via Public Services Network (PSN) or the Internet across a wide variety of devices. Furthermore, ongoing service management will be conducted by security cleared experts. These are key differentiators that make the solution unique within the G Cloud 8 marketplace.

“As increasing scrutiny is placed on the Government and public sector to control spiralling costs, cloud computing often presents a cost effective alternative. Providing accessible, agile and scalable cloud infrastructures means that departments are released from the shackles of on-premise offerings. Additionally, in reaction to reports regarding a lack of relevant digital skills within the public sector, our solution has been developed with simplicity as a priority. Agencies can begin using it straightaway with minimal training.”

Safe Share Gov + Premium is priced per user per month. For more information on Covata and its Safe Share platforms, visit

See here for further information on the G Cloud network

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drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Flexible Zutrittskontrollen bei größtmöglicher Sicherheit Bedrohungshighlights für den Monat Juli 2016
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: RealWire
Datum: 04.08.2016 - 13:00 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1386596
Anzahl Zeichen: 3713

Ansprechpartner: Leah Wood


Telefon: 01522883640



Meldungsart: bitte
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 04/08/2016

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