PresseKat - Capital Index wins ‘Best STP Forex Broker’ 2016 at Online Personal Wealth Awards

Capital Index wins ‘Best STP Forex Broker’ 2016 at Online Personal Wealth Awards

ID: 1375114

Capital Index (UK) Ltd are pleased to announce they have recently won ‘Best STP Forex Broker’ at this year’s Online Personal Wealth Awards.

(firmenpresse) - Capital Index (UK) Ltd are pleased to announce they have recently won ‘Best STP Forex Broker’ at this year’s Online Personal Wealth Awards. The accolade comes after only a relatively short period of time since launching the brokerage business back in 2014.

On winning the award, Rob Woolfe, CEO of Capital Index comments;
“Having entered the Spread Betting and CFD market place in 2014, we had a very clear view on what we wanted to achieve: a fair and transparent brokerage where profits were not based on client losses but rather on our client trading volumes. By delivering an STP brokerage service that offers tight spreads and fair margin levels coupled with an impeccable client service we feel that we have kept true to that vision. This award is hugely valuable to us as it shows that our clients are in agreement with our principles and we look forward to being able to serve them for many years to come”

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: RealWire
Datum: 30.06.2016 - 13:40 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1375114
Anzahl Zeichen: 1074

Ansprechpartner: Leah Wood


Telefon: 01522883640



Meldungsart: bitte
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 30/06/2016

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