PresseKat - Webinar: Code Coverage for Embedded Targets

Webinar: Code Coverage for Embedded Targets

ID: 1304238

(firmenpresse) - Errors in embedded systems can be fatal. It is critical that your software complies to safety standards like DO 178-C, ISO 26262, EN 50128, IEC 61508, IEC 62304 and IEC 60880. For this reason, the webinar will give you information about Safety Standards and Code Coverage on embedded targets. Specialists from Verifysoft will take you through Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyser to demonstrate how to face up to the challenges of ensuring Code Coverage.
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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Verifysoft Technology is a privately-held company located in Offenburg, Germany.
The company has been founded in 2003 by a group of investors and specialists from the software testing industry.
Verifysoft Technology is committed to provide test productivity solutions that will help companies more efficiently maintain and enhance their software applications.
Our technologies are successfully used by more than 400 customers in over 30 countries all over the world.

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Verifysoft Announces New Version 8.0 of Testwell CTC++ Code Coverage Analyser Iron Mountain übernimmt Archivdienstleistungen von Wetsch Möbel- und Kunsttransporte GmbH
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Polina Handzhiyska
Datum: 30.12.2015 - 15:29 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1304238
Anzahl Zeichen: 537

Ansprechpartner: Polina Handzhiyska


Telefon: +49 781 127 8118-6


IT & Hardware & Software & TK

Meldungsart: Unternehmensinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung

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