PresseKat - Learn Spanish in a sea cave or a bullring?

Learn Spanish in a sea cave or a bullring?

ID: 1239523

Students in Valencia learn Spanish differently

(firmenpresse) - Valencia. Last Sunday, the language school Costa de Valencia organized an unforgettable trip to Denia (Province of Alicante). This was an amazing opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge of Spanish and experience something interesting – to bath in a sea cave and see traditional Spanish fiesta.

Students of the language school in Valencia gathered in the morning in front of football stadium in Valencia and off we went. We made few stops along the way to admire the beauty of nature of the Valencian Community ( and to take some pictures. Ines and Silvia, two trainees at the language school, were always there to take photos and videos.

When we finally arrived in Denia, students attending Spanish classes at the language school in Valencia, together with their Spanish professors and the rest of us set out on an adventurous journey through a narrow path, which was to be rewarded with “pure nature”. The weather was hot and the journey was quite exhausting, but it was worth it. At the end of the journey you had to squeeze through a small entrance to the cave and what you could see was breathtaking - a beautiful place with a sky-blue water and natural "shadow" provided by the sea cave. All of us were looking forward to take a dip in the sea and relax in the shadow of the sea cave. While relaxing inside of the cave you could observe bats in its corners.

After spending a few hours in the cave we set out on the way back and the next adventure was already waiting for the students of the language school. It is called Bous a la mar ( Bous a la Mar is a small festival that takes place every year in Denia. Local youngsters try to make toros (bulls) fall into the sea - that makes the bull fall into the water is considered to be a winner. It is visited by numerous spectators and this rare event is full of excitement.

Students who came to Valencia to learn Spanish had a unique opportunity to learn more about Spanish culture and language during this trip. Trips like the one to Denia and other activities held by Spanish language school Costa de Valencia ( enables its students to get even closer to Spain and Spanish language.

Ines Ferre Murcia, student of audio-visual communication at the University of Valencia and an intern at the language school, made a video of the event ( and Sylwia Jankowska, a student at the University of Warsaw and an intern as well, took pictures (

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Costa de Valencia, S.L.
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 66
E-46021 Valencia
Tel.: (+34) 96 361 03 67
Fax: (+34) 96 393 60 49

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: CostadeValencia
Datum: 16.07.2015 - 19:26 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1239523
Anzahl Zeichen: 2723

Ansprechpartner: Andreas Teßmer


Telefon: (+34) 96 361 03 67


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Meldungsart: Erfolgsprojekt
Versandart: Veröffentlichung

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"Learn Spanish in a sea cave or a bullring? "
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