PresseKat - Top Canadian Credit Counselling Firm Helps Consumers Avoid Financial Disaster

Top Canadian Credit Counselling Firm Helps Consumers Avoid Financial Disaster

ID: 844589

Top credit & financial counselling firm in Canada has been able to assist a record number of clients to avoid bankruptcy so far in 2013.

(firmenpresse) - The premier financial counselling company nationwide across Canada – Business Solutions and Credit Counselling Services (BSCC), has declared it has been able to assist a record number of consumers avoid fiscal hardship and even bankruptcy so far this year in 2013. The company president, Arvinder Kalsey, who is a regular guest of television and radio talk shows, specializes in educating people across Canada about credit and debt management, and has assisted thousands of people avoid costly bankruptcy through the timely credit counselling services that his company provides.

With their always up-to-date tips and free credit and debt management advice posted on their social media pages such as Facebook, BSCC is highly engaged with their client base and seeks to ensure that they reach the maximum number of Canadians they can with their message of fiscal responsibility and smarter money management. Social media has been one avenue that has allowed the company to spread the word and reach clients that they may not have otherwise. They insist that 2013 does not have to be ‘more of the same’, and that there are better options than going through bankruptcy, which can have devastating effects on families and businesses. More information about debt relief can be found on their website at

BSCC has multiple offices across Canada and has been growing at a steady pace throughout 2012 and now 2013. With credit counselling in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver (Surrey), the company is showing every indication that 2013 will be another repeat success in helping Canadians with debt troubles.

For additional information please visit – A Canadian owned and operated financial counselling company that has been helping Canadian clients avoid bankruptcy for many years.

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Datum: 01.04.2013 - 01:08 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 844589
Anzahl Zeichen: 2001

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Meldungsart: Unternehmensinformation
Versandart: Veröffentlichung

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