PresseKat - How to make people notice?

How to make people notice?

ID: 1495033

(firmenpresse) - Dark cold night, the streetlights are broken, there are no signs of people around you – and in some moment you feel loneliness or, maybe, a fright. You’re beginning to walk rapidly, but the path somehow stretches to kilometers and home is so far away, that you don’t even know, whether you’re moving in the right direction. Suddenly, you see a small dim light nearby, which fills you with determination and gives you the strength to move to your destination.

Outdoor advertising already established itself as one of the most efficient ways to attract new customers. Walk along the crowded street – almost every surface has ads on it, and there’s the reason for such rivalry between brands. The statistic shows that the efficiency of outdoor advertising is about 70-90% higher than the efficiency of ordinary ones. It’s efficient, it has a high index of notability and memorability, it’s stimulating people to buy the product. In addition to all of its advantages, it’s the only one non-irritating type of commercial - according to the opinion of a big number of respondents.
In favor of outdoor promotion says such interesting fact – the hot places on the populous streets may be booked for 5 years beforehand! If you’re a trader searching for a non-expensive way to show yourself to the world, to promote your services to as many people as it’s possible, to raise the attendance of your shop, café, hotel – you found what you need.

In Custom Graphics we provide our clients with the most efficient and notable advertising around the commercial market. With our help, the flow of the visitors can be doubled or tripled without any efforts. However, the potential of windows sign, for example, is unlimited. Our services are very helpful for the businesses, where is needed the stable flow of customers – hotels, restaurants, night clubs and others. For these necessities, we offer 24/7 luminous light boxes, LED backlighting for outdoor displays, LED screens and other types of night advertising.

What’s the secret of such popularity of outdoor advertising? It’s hard to pick out one reason. There’s an opinion that it’s because such type of advertising is the oldest one – how did the traders promote their product when there wasn’t even the word for “television”? With posters. Another opinion is that these commercials are drawing people’s eye because of the reflex – when we see something big or shining out of the corner of the eye, we automatically turn to see a potential threat. Although there aren’t many big or shining threads around the city (except cars, maybe), our instincts are very strong. That’s how we detect ads. Probably, it also explains, why outdoor advertising is so memorable.

Why should I choose Custom Graphics service? We’ve been making clients for our clients for a long time; our experience allows us to predict the best decision for your exact situation. Great detailed print allows seeing the smallest details of your logo, qualitative assembly of light boxes, LED displays, screens leave no doubt about our high competence. By picking our services you pick a great team of the best designers, illustrators, marketers in the whole advertising sphere. Do not lose you opportunity to make people notice your product - contact us!

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By picking our services you pick a great team of the best designers, illustrators, marketers in the whole advertising sphere.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Mistermj2016
Datum: 31.05.2017 - 13:25 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1495033
Anzahl Zeichen: 3330

Ansprechpartner: Morgan Johnson

New York

Telefon: 2123661611


Auto & Verkehr

Meldungsart: Erfolgsprojekt
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 31/05/2017

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"How to make people notice?"
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